Conversations with pioneers, producers and personalities on current trends and the future of spirulina.

Produced by Robert Henrikson. Hosted on the SpirulinaSource YouTube channel.

SPIRULINA VOICES 2: Conversations with some of Spirulina Microfarmers proliferating across France and introducing Fresh Spirulina.

Laurent Lecesve- Integrated Spirulina Microfarm
Laurent Lecesve, Eco-Domaine de Bouquetot in Normandy, France, presents his Experimental Integrated Spirulina Microfarm in greenhouses, with biogas digestor for organic nutrients and heat pump to warm pond water. A fresh spirulina luncheon with the team. July 4, 2011. Produced by Robert Henrikson.
3:52 minute video (2011).

Jean-Paul Jourdan- The Future of Microfarms
Conversation with Jean-Paul Jourdan: “The Future of Spirulina Microfarms” at Eco-Domaine de Bouquetot, Normandy France July 2011. Jean-Paul is a Pioneer in Spirulina Microfarms, author of the Manual “Cultvez Votre Spiruline”. Produced by Robert Henrikson.
3:42 minute video (2011).

Denise and Ripley Fox- Producer Associations
Denise and Ripley Fox, pioneers in village scale spirulina farms in the developing world, talk about the importance of spirulina small producer associations. Laroque France, June 2011. Produced by Robert Henrikson.
3:14 minute video (2011).

Philippe Calamand- Spiruline La Capitelle
Interview with Philippe Calamand, Spiruline La Capitelle, promoting fresh spirulina, at an early meeting of the Fédération of Spiruliniers de France in the South of France June 2011. Calamand was the first greenhouse grower in France since 1998. Produced by Robert Henrikson.
3:59 minute video (2011).

Denise Fox- Fresh Spirulina Recipes
Denise Fox prepares fresh spirulina dips and shares Aquamole recipes. Laroque France, June 2011. Produced by Robert Henrikson.
3:55 minute video (2011).