Spirulina World Food
How this micro algae can transform your health and our planet.
by Robert Henrikson. 2021.
Available at Amazon.com.
The complete guide to a powerful food that can help rebuild our health and restore our environment.
This 2021 edition has been updated by the author. This easy-to-read book has 400 color photos, graphs and tables.
Download this entire book 219 page pdf file (9.8 MB).

Algae MicrofarmsAlgae Microfarms
For home, school, community and urban gardens, rooftop, mobile, and vertical farms. By Robert Henrikson. 2013. Available at Amazon.com.
How algae microfarms can help transform our food culture by growing abundant healthy food in a very small area. For over 40 years, large farms have grown algae for food and feed products. Now an era of microfarms is emerging. Microfarms can empower people to grow healthy food for their own community for food security and self-sufficiency.
Download this entire book as a 148 page pdf file (21 MB).

Imagine BookImagine Our Algae Future
Visionary Algae Architecture and Landscape Designs.
by Robert Henrikson and Mark R. Edwards. 2012.
Available at Amazon.com.
Imagine our future living in cities where buildings are covered with photosynthetic skins and vertical gardens, collecting the sun’s energy and producing food and energy for urban citizens. Imagine greening desert coastlines and producing food for millions of people. This book showcases the amazing visions of our future from the International Algae Competition.
Download this entire book as a 164 page pdf file (13 MB).

Peace MIcrofarmsPeace Microfarms
by Mark R. Edwards with Robert Henrikson. 2012.
Available at Amazon.com.
Peace microfarms use abundance methods that preserve finite resources to grow freedom foods. Freedom food give consumers free choice for healthier foods for people, producers and our planet. Peace microfarms liberate growers from dependence on expensive cropland, fresh water and other non-renewable resources. Peace microfarms avoid conflicts over diminishing natural resources by growing microcrops using abundance methods.

AimFutureThe Future of Algae for Algae Industry Magazine
by Robert Henrikson. 2012.
This 6 part series on the Algae Competition asked “How will growing algae change the world and improve our lives?” Here are the emerging themes, schemes and dreams in algae landscape and architecture design, production systems and new foods. Contents: 1.Imagine the Future of Algae. 2.Eat: New Algae Foods and Recipes. 3.Grow: Algae Production Systems. 4&5.Dream: Algae Landscape and Architecture Designs. 6.Algae Competition Awards. Download this 42 page pdf file (3 MB).

Freedom FoodsFreedom Foods
Superior New Foods, Low on the Food Chain for People, Producers and Our Planet. by Mark R. Edwards, forward by Robert Henrikson. 2011.
Available at Amazon.com.
Freedom Foods develops the value proposition for foods from algae that are healthy for our children, ourselves, growers, and our ecosystems.
Download this 136 page book pdf file (1.3 MB).

AIMSpirulina2Spirulina Report for Algae Industry Magazine
by Robert Henrikson. 2011.
This 7 part series was adapted from Spirulina World Food. Contents: 1.Origins and Biology. 2.First Human Consumption and Cultivation. 3.An Impressive Nutritional Profile. 4.Scientific Research Reveals Health Benefits. 5.Spirulina Industry- Production. 6.Spirulina Industry- Marketing. 7.Future of Spirulina.
Download this 40 page pdf file (7 MB).

SWF FrontSpirulina • World Food
How this micro algae can transform your health and our planet.
by Robert Henrikson. 2010. Available at Amazon.com.
The Complete Guide To A Powerful Food That Can Help Rebuild Our Health
and Restore Our Environment.
This easy-to-read book has 200 charts, tables and photos.
This 2010 edition has been updated by the author, Robert Henrikson.
Download this entire book 194 page pdf file (4.5 MB).

CultivezCultivez Votre Spiruline: Manual of Small Scale Spirulina Culture
by Jean Paul Jourdan who developed small scale spirulina projects in Europe and Africa. In this manual he describes how to cultivate spirulina on a family scale.
Download the English version “Grow Your Own Spirulina” 14 page summary pdf file (1 MB). Download this entire 212 page book pdf file (3.6 MB).
Cultivez Votre Spiruline (French 1-160), Grow Your Own Spirulina (English 160-196), Cultivo Artesanal de Spirulina (Spanish 196-212).

Human HutritionSpirulina in Human Nutrition and Health
Edited by M.E.Gershwin and Amha Belay. CRC Press. www.crcpress.com. 2007.
Available at Amazon.com.
Brings together Spirulina research in a single reference volume. Edited by M. Eric Gershwin, MD, professor of immunology, and Amha Belay, Ph.D., scientific director for Earthrise Nutritionals for production, quality assurance and health applications. Topics include production and quality assurance, antioxidative and hepatoprotective effects, nephrotoxicity protection, immunity and natural killer cell activation, antibody production, and antiviral agency.

NewProductsNew Products From Algae
How big investments in the ‘biofuel of the future’ will grow our future food and its own biopackaging from algae.
by Robert Henrikson. 2009.
Today, algae is called the ‘biofuel of the future.’
30 years ago, it was called the ‘food of the future’.
Download this 4 page article pdf.

BiofuelsFromAlgaeBiofuels From Algae?
How algae ventures can harvest from the third great algae bloom.
by Robert Henrikson. 2009.
What business model, value chain and product development will build revenue streams to buy time to scale and learn how to reduce cost?
Download this 4 page article pdf.

EarthFoodEarth Food Spirulina
How this remarkable blue-green algae can transform your health and our planet.
by Robert Henrikson.
Since 1989, Earth Food Spirulina has been called the definitive popular reference book. Henrikson has pioneered algae for 40 years, was President of the leading algae company and a founder of the world’s largest spirulina farm.
Download this entire 188 page book pdf (4.1 MB).