Spirulina Viva Mexico • 1

Welcome to Spirulina Viva, near San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Spirulina Viva Mexico • 2

Robert, Katie & Teo and Paco

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Teo, Katie and Paco inside their greenhouse

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Spirulina ponds inside the greenhouse

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The greenhouse has shade cloth to reduce the intense sunlight and heat

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Paco works on a foundation for a harvest and processing building next to the greenhouse

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Spirulina Viva fresh spirulina packaging into squares

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Drop one square of fresh spirulina in any drink

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Adding fresh spirulina to a smoothie

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Katie showing off spirulina squares

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Insulated shipping box for mail orders

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Natural food shop in San Miguel de Allende

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Spirulina Viva snacks on the store shelf

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Vegan Spiru-Snack with spirulin, seeds and more

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Robert munches a Spiru-Snack • Teo wants some

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Teo gets a treat

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Paco enjoys a taste

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Cowboy Kai with a spirulina smile

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Teo and Katie

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Spirulina Viva was founded in 2010 by Francisco Portillo Rangel and Katherine Kohlstedt, with the mission of cultivating the best fresh and 100% Mexican spirulina. The first family owned and operated algae microfarm in Mexico. They have clean air, best quality water, abundant sunshine and friendly people. They are passionate about spirulina, a pre-Hispanic crop native to Mexico, a superfood of the Mexicans.

Robert Henrikson visited Spirulina Viva in 2015. Here, on their homestead near San Miguel de Allende, Katie and Paco with their two boys, produce fresh and dried spirulina and sell fresh spirulina and healthy spirulina snack foods direct to the local community in San Miguel, through retail health shops and by express mail all across Mexico.
