Spirulina- natural sorbent of radionucleides.
by L.P. Loseva and I.V. Dardynskaya. Sep 1993. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. 6th Int’l Congress of Applied Algology, Czech Republic. Belarus.
Spirulina, a natural food supplement, reduced urine radioactivity levels by 50% in only 20 days. This result was achieved after giving 5 grams a day to children at the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk, Belarus. The Institute has developed a program to treat 100 children every 20 days. This 1993 report confirms 1990-91 research on the beneficial health effects of spirulina on children with radiation sickness. It concludes: “Use of spirulina decreases radioaction dose load received from food contaminated with radionuclides, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. Spirulina is favorable for normalizing the adaptative potential of children’s bodies in conditions of long-lived low dose radiation.”
Spirulina platensis and specialties to support detoxifying pollutants and to strengthen the immune system.
by L.P. Loseva. Sep 1999. Research Institute of Radiation Medicine, Minsk, Belarus. 8th Int’l Congress of Applied Algology, Italy. Belarus.
Main purpose of the study is researching the influence of spirulina platensis on the immune system on normalization of peroxide lipid oxidation and anti-oxidant activity, also on the content of long-life radionucleides. In the studies were involved children and teenagers residing in the areas with radiant pollution and people injured by the Chernobyl catastrophe. To achieve desirable results with spirulina it is recommended to take it during 3 months and if not continued, this course should be repeated in half a year again. Possible therapeutic mechanisms: a) The natural combination of nutrients supports the formation of non-absorbable complexes of radionucleides through analogues such as calcium, potassium, etc., and promotes their excretion. b) the general intake of easily digestible micro and macro elements of spirulina has a positive influence on many functions of the immune system.