Conversations with pioneers, producers and personalities on current trends and the future of spirulina.

Produced by Robert Henrikson.
Hosted on the SpirulinaSource YouTube channel.

Spirulina Voices (1:33)

Video conversations with producers, pioneers and personalities on current trends and the future of spirulina.

Amha Belay (5:30)

Founder & CEO • Algae4All • Former Chief Tech Officer for Earthrise Nutritionals for 33 years

Jiamjit Boonsom (5:30)

Founder & CEO • Boonsom Farm Chiang Mai Thailand • Innovating products for 40 years.

John Benemann (5:30)

Founder & CEO • Microbio Engineering • Algae Industry Spokesperson for 45 years

Dale Solomon (5:30)

Founder & CEO • Oasia Farms • California Algae Microfarm Entrepreneur since 2017

Ike Levine (5:30)

President & Board Chair• The Algae Foundation • Educating next generation of Algaepreneurs